Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Curug Gomblang, Beauty Hidden in the foot of Mount Slamet

After walking for about fifteen minutes to penetrate a path that occasionally closed trunks of trees, finally seen the waterfall so fascinating. The roar of the waterfall sounded so clearly from a distance. But the journey is not over, it takes about five minutes to go in order to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall or waterfall up close. Fatigue due to rough journey seemed to disappear replaced by a sense of awe when I got in front of the waterfall

In front of me seemed a work of nature that is so beautiful. Water from the top of the hill freefall downward so terrible effect until when it reached the bottom, the water immediately scrambled up a considerable distance. Besides running water is clean and clear so that as soon spoil my eyes. The water tasted so fresh when I wash my face and my energy as a full back. The scenery around the waterfall is beautiful, green complements the existing beauty. Everything still looks natural does not seem inorganic waste piles around Curug Gomblang. 

I am lucky to look at the beauty of a waterfall in the district of Banyumas. This waterfall is not popular for tourists who come from outside Banyumas. I'm really lucky Isro` of my friends took me to one of the most beautiful places in Banyumas together with comrades from Purwokerto Couchsurfing community. Curug Gomblang located in the village Baseh Kedungbanteng District of Banyumas, Central Java, and is in the forest area of ​​Mount Slamet.Untuk get there is not easy, it takes hard work to be able to enjoy the charm of Curug Gomblang. We had to drive across the paved path that has not penetrated the forest area of ​​Mount Slamet and had to be careful as he passed. After getting past the first hurdle, we still have to walk to get to the waterfall. Actually been built walkway of stone and cement sadly neglected these pathways, many branches of the trees and weeds that block the road so difficult for us and of course the tourists who want to get to the waterfall. 

This waterfall is still not well-managed by the local government. It is indeed far from the village plus no directions and poor road access difficult for anyone who wants to get to the waterfall, so we need people who know the area there in order to arrive at the destination. With all the difficulties that exist to make people rarely come to this waterfall even though the local people, so that it becomes less famous waterfall. Even so there is also the positive value that is until now still awake Curug Gomblang naturalness that beauty is not diminished by the hands jail lack of respect for nature.

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